Investigating the Determinants of University Students’ Recycling Behavior
As a result of today's increasing fast consumption habits, municipal solid waste (MSW) generation is also growing day by day. However, it creates many adverse effects on the environment. The wastes spread to the environment negatively affect the health of humans and all other creatures. It is up to every human being to correctly evaluate the waste produced. Recycling offers a viable solution to protect the environment and save energy. Therefore, it is critical to primarily examine individuals' recycling behavior to determine a correct waste management strategy. This study defines Hacettepe University students' recycling behaviors based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Although TPB uses the three determinants to explain intention towards behavior, the study focused on two of these three variables: subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. Moreover, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), which is frequently preferred in psychology-based studies, was used as the modeling method in the study. According to the results of the research, it is stated that the main determinants of students' recycling behavior are subjective norms and perceived behavior control. Consequently, it can be stated that students are highly influenced by the behavior of the people around them on recycling behavior. Moreover, students’ opinions about the feasibility of recycling also played a strong role in governing their behaviors with regard to waste disposal.