Yüzey – Boyut – Hareket Üzerine Deneysel Çalışmalar
Aydoğan, Mustafa Yasin
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The change of the subject of the painting and the beginning of the search for plastic is based on modernism. With modernism, many artists have moved away from the apparent reality and instead seek for new plastic reality. Thus, the structure of the two-dimensional picture began to transform. Another factor that triggered this transformation is the great changes in science and technology at the beginning of the 20th century. All this change and transformation of time inevitably reminds the concept of movement. Movement is seen as a concept that covers all this change. But the movement first showed itself in futurism from painting to editing, and then it appeared concretely in kinetic art. In this thesis, how kinetic art emerged and its effect on subsequent artists were investigated. The process from the foundations of the movement to the present day has been researched. In this process, all the innovations brought by industrialization, power and the place of the machine in the art were taken into consideration.
In the works produced during the thesis process, the forms were produced with a plastic language other than the traditional understanding of painting. In all these works, which are based on the concept of movement, the process and form itself are the form. Experience gained by the process has led to the emergence of new experimental and moving works.
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