Beta Katenin Ile Apoptozis Arasındaki Ilişkinin Sitolojik Ve Immünositokimyasal Yöntemlerle Araştırılması
In our study, cervicovaginal samples of 224 cases were evaluated to examine interaction between β-catenin protein and apoptosis. Of these cases, 144 cases (64.3%) without any infection and atypical changes were the control group, 80 cases (35.7%) were formed the study group. Study group was evaluated in two categories as atypical cases (n=17, 23.3%), and infectious cases (n=63, 78.7%). Apoptotic cellular changes were also observed cytologically. β-catenin protein and the presence of apoptotic cells were investigated by using immunocytochemical method. To detect apoptotic cells, active caspase 3, 8, and 9 antibodies were used. Positivity of membranous β-catenin staining with weak cytoplasmic staining indicated that Wnt/β-catenin signaling was inactive, while positivity in the cytoplasm and nucleus showed active signaling. Thus, in 44 of 224 cases (19.6%) signaling pathway was active, in 180 cases (80.4%) was inactive.