Meme Kanserinde Göğüs Duvarı ve Lenfatik Işınlamada 3 Boyutlu Konformal Radyoterapi ile Yoğunluk Ayarlı Radyoterapi.
Breast/chest wall (CW) and lymphatic irradiation for breast cancer is one of the most difficult techniques in radiotherapy. In this study, forward and inverse planing IMRT, hybrid IMRT plans were compared with the corresponding 3D-CRT plan in terms of targets and critical organs doses for CW and compherensive lympatic irradiation of 10 patients diagnosed with left breast cancer. For this purpose, clinical target volumes (CTVs) of CW, supraclavicular fossa (SCF), axilla and internal mammary (IM) lymphatics were contoured on axial sections from CT scans of 10 patients and planning target volumes (PTVs) were generated. The critical structures included the left and right lungs, the heart, esophagus, thyroid, and humeral head, spinal cord, brachial plexus and contralateral breast was also delineated. D95% of PTVs and D98%, D2% and Dmaks. of CTVs were compared between five different techniques. For the critical structures the following values were examined; V20Gy of the left lung, the left and right lung mean dose, V5Gy, Dmax. and mean dose of the right breast and V5Gy, V10Gy V20Gy and V30Gy and mean dose of the heart.The dosimetric accuracy of each treatment planning techniques was tested with TLD measurments inserted in the specific locations of Alderson rando phantom.