Gazeteciliğe Adanmış Bir Ömür: Metin Toker
Metin Toker actively remained in the Turkish press for fifty nine years and sohe rather became a witness of the contemporary Turkish history. Toker s career as acorrespondent began in the newspaper of Cumhuriyet in 1943 and continued in thenewspapers of Zafer and Yeni Ġstanbul between 1951 and 1953. His career as acolumnist on the political matters peaked in the journal of Akis between 1954 and1967. Toker was arrested two times and stayed in prison for two years in 1950sbecause of his bitter critics towards the Democrat Party in the name of democracy.His critics focused on radical right and left streams in 1960s and 1970s. After the1980 coup, he wrote articles criticizing intervention of the army to political sphereand was sent to prison for three months. Toker also pursued a struggle for democracyagainst the political which was, according to him, trying to destroy both military anddemocratic-secular republican regimes to establish an Islamic state.