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dc.contributor.authorMoran, Munevver
dc.contributor.authorOzmen, M Mahir
dc.contributor.authorDuzgun, A Polat
dc.contributor.authorGok, Riza
dc.contributor.authorRenda, Nurten
dc.contributor.authorSeckin, Selda
dc.contributor.authorCoskun, Faruk
dc.description.abstractBackground Anastomotic leakage is an important problem following primary resection in the left colon and is even more prominent when obstruction is present. We aimed to evaluate the possible effects of erythropoietin on the healing of anastomosis under both obstructive and non-obstructive states. Methods Forty male Wistar albino rats were divided into four groups. In group I, two cm left colonic resection and primary anastomosis were done. In group II, left colon were completely ligated and 24 hours later animals were re-operated for segmental resection. The same procedures were performed for rats in group III and IV in respect to group I and II and, 500 IU/kg a day erythropoietin were given in the latter two groups for seven days. For the quantative description of anastomotic healing mechanical, biochemical and histopathological parameters were employed on the seventh day and the animals were sacrificied. Results Although erythropoietin had positive effects on bursting pressure in group IV when compared to group II, it has no effect in group III. Despite the increased tissue hydroxyproline levels in group IV, erythropoietin failed to show any effects in group III., Erythropoietin had positive effects on neovascularization, fibroblast proliferiation and storage of collagen in group IV. Conclusion We failed to find any direct and evident effects of erythropoietin on healing of left colonic anastomosis. On the other hand, erythropoietin might prevent negative effects of obstruction on healing.
dc.titleThe Effect of Erythropoietin on Healing of Obstructive Vs Nonobstructive Left Colonic Anastomosis: An Experimental Study
dc.relation.journalWorld Journal of Emergency Surgery
dc.contributor.departmentGenel Cerrahi

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