Farklı Klasifikasyon Puanlarına Sahip Tekerlekli Sandalye Basketbol Oyuncularında Üst Ekstremite Fiziksel Uygunluk Parametreleri ile Spora Özgü Beceriler Arasındaki Ilişkinin Incelenmesi
Purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between upper limb functional parameters and sports skills in wheelchair basketball players in different levels. 49 wheelchair basketball players who had sports experience for at least one year, aged between 16-53 years, had no upper limb deficiencies were the participants of the study. Wheelchair basketball players were divided into two groups according to the classification levels (Group 1: 3 points and higher, Group 2: less than 3 points). Grip strength, visual hand reaction time, shoulder flexibility, explosive force and endurance were their upper limb functional capacity parameters that we measured. Sports skills were assessed by 20 m sprint test, Slalom test, Slalom with ball test, Lay up test, Zone shot and Pass for accuracy test. When the relation between groups were assessed significant difference was found in shoulder flexibility and explosive force in favor of 3 points and higher group (p<0,05). In sports skills, 3 points and higher group had better results only in Lay up test (p<0,05). All upper limb functional capacity parameters except shoulder flexibility were significantly correlated with sports skills (p<0,05). In 3 points and higher group, there were significant correlations between upper limb functional capacity parameters and sports skills except 20 m Sprint test results. 20 m Sprint test results were correlated with only endurance (p<0,05).In less than 3 points group, explosive force and endurance were correlated with all sports skills (p<0,05). Left hand visual reaction time was correlated with only Pass for accuracy test results (p<0,05). The results showed that there is a relationship between upper limb functional capacity and sports skills in wheelchair basketball players. This relationship differs in classification levels. It is decided that, fitness and sports skills measurements will have positive effects while planning personal training programs for wheelchair basketball players.