Ankara'da Yaşayan 19-65 Yaş Arası Çölyak Hastalarının Beslenme Durumlarının Yaşam Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi
Adherence to gluten free diet is strongly
associated with the health related quality of life and clinical signs in celiac
disease. This study was designed to assess the nutritional status of patients with
celiac disease, to evaluate the effects of dietary compliance and nutritional
status on patients’ health related quality of life. Forty three male and a hundred
and sixteen female celiac patients who are between 19-65 years of age with no
additional health problems, no nutritional support within the last year, no
smoking and no regular alcohol consumption, were recruited to the study. A
questionnaire which included general characteristics, medical history, body
weight change and symptoms was applied to the patients. Celiac Disease Healthrelated
Quality of Life Questionnaire (CDQ) is used to evaluate the quality of life.
The intake of nutrients of patients was determined by 3 days dietary recall. The
physical activity levels (PAL) were assessed by 24-h physical activity recall.
Anthropometric and body composition measurements were made on the same
day. Statistical analysis were done using SPSS 19 software. The mean age of the
patients was 32.74 ± 9.04 years, 50,9% of patients were married and 55.3% of
patients were college graduates. Nausea (%83), fatigue (%74.8), abdominal pain
(%57.2), diarrhea (%47.8) have been found as the most common symptoms in
all patients. Study population was found to adhere 66.7% to a gluten-free diet.
Married participants were more adherent than unmarried participants
(p<0.05). Age at diagnosis also found to be correlated with adherence (p<0.05).
The dietary energy intakes of the patients have met 78.8±24.47% of the age and
gender specific dietary recommended levels. Contributions of carbohydrates,
proteins and fats to the total dietary energy intake have been found to be
47.5±9.73%, 13.1±3.36% and 39.3±9.27%, respectively. The ratios of meeting
the recommended levels of thiamine (%64.74 ± 27.65), niacin (%73.22 ±
31.89), folic acid (%62.24 ± 24.53), calcium (%60.56 ± 20.18), iron (%63.90 ±
30.17) and zinc (%63.31 ± 41.81) were found to be low when compared with
other nutrients. Especially emotional and social quality of life scores decreased
significantly at elder age (p<0.05). Total quality of life score was also decrease
with aging (p<0.05). Compliance with the dietary treatment was associated with
the health related quality of life. The mean health related quality life score of
adhered patient was significantly higher than nonadhered patients (p<0.05).
Patients who intake gluten more frequently than 3-4 times per week have
significantly lower health related quality of life score than patients who do not
consume gluten (p<0.05). Gastrointestinal quality of life score shows positive
perfect correlation with daily energy requirement (r = 0.768, p = 0.000). Celiac
disease requires lifelong treatment. Therefore, assessment of patients’ quality of
life and compliance to gluten-free diet, is important.