Türkiye'ye Özgü Bazı Ekmek Türlerinin Glisemik İndeks Değerlerinin Saptanması
The aim of this study was to assess the glycemic
index of frequently consumed bread types in Turkey. 10 adult healthy volunteers
aged between 19 and 35 years (27.1±2.7 years), not having any metabolism and/or
endocrinology related disease included. The mean body mass index was 21.5±2.1
kg/m² (between 18.0-24.9 kg/m²). All subjects consumed bread types and glycemic
indexes were assessed after 12 hrs starvation in weekly intervals and their capillary
blood glucose were measured in 15 minutes intervals during 2 hours. Glycemic
indexes of bread types calculated depending on glucose are like shown here from
high to low: hazelnut bread (74.8), bazlama (70.2), medical (gluten free) bread
(67.1), white bread (64.8), bagel (60.0), bread with ruşeym (54.1), ciabatta (54.0),
rye bread (52.2), whole wheat bread (51.3), stone mill bread (45.7) and village bread
(42.0). Upon the other reference nutrien-white bread, the calculated glycemic index
of some breads are like shown from high to low: hazelnut bread (115.6), bazlama
(108.5), medical (gluten free) bread (103.3), bagel (92.5), bread with ruşeym (84.1),
ciabatta (83.5), rye bread (80.4), whole wheat bread (77.6), stone mill bread (68.8)
and village bread (65.1). According to the taxonomy of glycemic index, hazelnut
bread and bazlama are classified as high glycemic index (>70), medical bread, white
bread and bagel are classified in the medium glycemic index (55-70), bread with
ruşeym, ciabatta, rye bread, whole wheat bread, stone mill bread and village bread
are qualified in low glycemic (<55) index in respect of glycemic index. When the
amount of fiber gets higher, than the glycemic index of foods get higher too. In a
healty nutrition the glycemic index of food should have taken care of while the
foods are chosen.