19. Yüzyılda İngiltere'nin Türkistan Siyaseti
Political landscape of the Turkestan Khanates during the nineteenth century, the policies that England carried out regarding that region and Russo-Anglo struggle over it influenced the process of reorganization of both the region and the Turkic World deeply. Developments emerged on the old land of the Turks both prepared the ground for the occupation of the khanates by Russian forces and limited the relations of Turkistan with the Turks living in the other parts of the world. In this century England, having already become one of the determinants of the world politics, remained in touch with several parts of the world from India to Middle East, Asia-Pacific to Central Asia in an attempt to strengthen her position or at least preserve her existence. When we analyze - within the context of Turkestan - the policy that was pursued on the axis of a struggle with other actors, intense diplomatic, military and economic relations which England established with the Khanates of Khokand, Bokhara.