Osmanlı-Rus İlişkilerinde N.P.İgnatyev Dönemi ve Rusya’nın Osmanlı Siyaseti (1864-1877)
Nicholas Pavlovich Ignat ev (1832-1908) was one of the most crucial figures in the Ottoman-Russian relations in the 19th century. In this thesis we aim to focus on diplomatic activies of Ignat ev in İstanbul from 1864 to 1877. He was appointed in 1861 to İstanbul with the official mission to congratulate Sultan Abdulaziz s accession and returned to head the Asiatic Department in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for three years. Ignat ev s diplomatic career was linked for solution of the Eastern Question hereafter. He was appointed to the Russian legation in Istanbul in 1864 and 1867 he raised to ambassador. It was evaluated archival materials, recollections and the relevant studies in thesis and classified the content of the study in accordance with the problematic points.