Bir Asker Ve Bir Hatırat: Eyüp Durukan ve Milli Mücadele
Eyüp Durukan, who served as Lieutenant Colonel in Artillery Division during the period ofTurkish National Struggle, wrote his diaries to the very day and also wrote his memoirs aboutthis period two decades later. In this study, Eyüp Durukan was introduced; generalinformation about his diaries and memoirs was provided; and the memoirs which are the basictheme of this study were mentioned. Next, the memoirs of Eyüp Durukan, which covered theperiod of Turkish National Struggle and which has been written in Arabic alphabet, weretranscribbed into Latin alphabet; and certain information about the period and about theGroup of Imalat-ı Harbiye, which has been founded by Eyüp Durukan, was obtained. Inconclusion part, some methodological differences in the tellings of the diaries and thememoirs have been sighted..