Görme Engelli Çocuk Ebeveynlerinin Yaşadığı Güçlüklerin Belirlenmesi ve Tükenmişlik ile Yaşam Doyumuna Yönelik Yordayıcı Değişkenler
The purpose of this research is to assest stress, life satisfaction and burnout leves of parents who have a visually impaired child or adolescent, and examine parents' coping strategies and locus of control.First stage of study's participants were adminstered to 58 parent couples who live in Ankara or his her child was studying at Ankara. These parents' children age was between 6-18 years old. Mothers age range was 37.39 (SD = 6,28), fathers age range was 42,10 (SD = 6,17). Considering visually impaired children' information: 33 girl (56.9 %), 25 boys (43.1 %); 47 of them' handicap were natal (81 %), 8 of them were postnatal (13.8 %); visually impairment level range was 86.87 (SD = 13.66).