Sinüs Ogmentasyonunda Kullanılan Saf Titanyum Partikül ve Sığır Kaynaklı Greftin Histomorfometrik Olarak ve Mikro Bilgisayarlı Tomografi Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi
Several grafting materials have been used in sinus augmentation procedures for insufficient bone volume in the posterior maxilla. The aim of this randomized controlled study was to compare the use of porous titanium granules (PTG) in addition to bovine bone mineral bone versus bovine bone mineral alone for bilateral maxillary sinus elevation procedures in the same patient via micro computed tomography (CT) and histomorphometric analysis. Eleven patients were included in the study and each patient was treated with bilateral sinus augmentation procedure using bovine bone and bovine bone (70%) + porous titanium (30%) granules. After min. 6 months 22 bone biopsies were retrieved from the implant sites for micro CT and histomorphometric analysis and bone volume and vital bone percentages were calculated. Immediate after core biopsy, implants having standard dimensions were placed and implant stability quotient (ISQ) values were recorded at baseline and 3 months follow-up. There were no significant differences between groups according to residual bone height, residual bone width, implant dimensions and ISQ values (baseline and 3 months). According to three-dimensional micro-CT analysis the volume of newly formed bone was % 57.05, % 52.67 for test and control groups respectively. Two dimensional histomorphometric analysis showed mean new bone area as % 56.5, % 55.08 for test and control groups.. The present study showed that PTG may function as an augmentation material for maxillary sinus where a permanent non resorbable, osteoconduktive material is desired. The porous structure of PTG which allows bone growth in and close contact to the material may favor osteoconduction and may contribute the stable augmented sinus that is necessary for long term implant survival.