Direkt ve İndirekt Yöntemlerle Yapılan SınıfIı Kompozit Restorasyonların Klinik Performanslarının İki Yıllık Değerlendirilmesi
The aim of the study was to evaluate the two-year performance of two composite resins used in the restoration of posterior teeth applied either direct or indirect methods. Volunteers, who were patients of Hacettepe University School of Dentistry Department of Restorative Dentistry and had at least two class II caries in posterior teeth participated to the study. They were randomly divided into two groups: Microhybrid resin composite G-ænial Posterior (GC Europe, Leuven, Belgium) was applied to the first group with direct method and microhybrid resin composite GRADIA (GC Europe, Leuven, Belgium) was applied to the second group by indirect method. A total of 113 restoration in 41 subjects (age of 18-43),(24 women and 17 men) were evaluated 1 week after the placement of restorations (baseline), 6., 12., 18 and, 24. months according to the FDI (Fédération Dentaire Internationale, World Dental Federation) criteria. Data were evaluated with cross table and chi-square analysis. In chi-squre analysis, Fisher-Exact and Fisher-Freeman-Halton tests were used. SPSS 21.0 for Windows package software was used in all statistical analysis. The level of significance was set at p<0.05 for all tests. No significant differences were found among time zones for both restoration groups (p>0.05). A decrease in surface lustre and retantion; and an increase in surface roughness, marginal and surface coloration and sensitivity were observed in group 2 but these changes were not significant (p>0.05). Both resin composite materials showed a similar and accepteble performance for the restoration of class II cavities.