Türk Kütüphaneciliğinin Sorunları ve Çözüm Önerileri
Report presented to the Librarianship,
Documentation and Archives Committee of
the UNESCO Turkish National
Commission, identifies environmental
factors, the notion of library and
librarianship in the society, and the low
profile of librarians as main sources of
problems. The society still sees the librarian
as the protector of books. The value given
to the profession is, thus, limited to such a
narrow understanding of the profession,
which leads to low payment and insufficient
resource allocation to the libraries. Main
field of activity, that is, the pro\ision of
information is expected from documentation
and information centres. Library and
information work cannot be separated from
each other. The proposals for solution of
the problems include improvement of
professional education, legal provisions,
and reorganiztion of professional