Ludwig van Beethoven'ın Op.55 Mi Bemol Major Ш.Senfonisi'nin Müzikal Form ve Orkestra Şefliği Teknikleri Yönünden İncelenmesi
Ludwig van Beethoven's op. 55 E-Flat Major Third Symphony "Eroica" is a piece with a series of structural thoroughness, emotional richness and traces back to its composer s middle term. The symphony often taking part in concert programs and consisting of four parts, had firstly been dedicated to French General Napoleon Bonaparte, whom the composer admires. However; Napoleon s having announced him as the Emperor, the dedication was cancelled and the name of the work was changed as "Eroica". In this study, the musical identity of the composer and birth of the symphony have primarily been dealt with. The form analysis of the parts and the forms being used have been explained. Next, the beat technics of some maestros have been analysed and the beat technics and the interpretation of the work have been studied via the knowledge most of which was gained at foreign resources.