• 6502 Sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun Bakımından Taksitle Satış Sözleşmesinde Cayma Hakkı 

      Aydın Kiremitci, Dilan (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      Installment sales contracts encourage consumption due to the features they have, and accordingly, they are widely used today. Due to the ease of payment provided by installment sales contracts, consumers can make a hasty ...
    • 6502 Sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun Uyarınca Ayıplı Hizmet Sebebiyle Sorumluluk 

      Ayverdi, Mustafa (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023)
      Between the 13th and 16th articles of the Consumer Protection Law No. 6502, the provisions of the defective service and therefore the responsibility of the provider are regulated. In Law No. 6502, defective service is ...
    • Acil Servislerde Minor Kafa Travmaları ve Sonuçları 

      Bicek, Hatice Gökçe (Tıp Fakültesi, 2021-09-03)
      Bicek G. Minor Head Injuries and Outcomes in the Emergency Departments, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Thesis of Emergency Medicine. Ankara, 2021. Though outcomes of the minor head injuries (MHI) were considered ...
    • Anayasa Mahkemesi Kararlarının Bağlayıcılığı 

      Çorum, İbrahim (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)
      There is no doubt about the bindingness of the decisions of the Constitutional Court which is decided during the constitutional review or individual application process, therefore the obligation to comply with these ...
    • Anayasa Mahkemesine Bireysel Başvuruda Olağan Kanun Yollarının Tüketilmiş Olması Şartı 

      Öztürk Atalar, Özlem (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-05)
      Constitutional Complaint is a fairly new institution in our country and has been in effect since 23 September 2012. This constitutional right, which is expressed as “individual application”, is the claim of violation of ...
    • Anonim Ortaklıkta Pay Sahibinin Bilgi Alma ve İnceleme Hakkı 

      Sümer, Burak (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      At the general meeting, any shareholder of a joint stock company is entitled to information from the board of directors on the affairs of the company and from the external auditors on the methods and results of their ...
    • Anonim Şirket Pay Sahiplerinin Vazgeçilemez Nitelikteki Hakları ve Bu Hakların İhlalinin Hukuki Neticeleri 

      Topcan, Utku (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-12)
      The inalienable rights of the shareholders in a joint stock company (“JSC”), are regulated, using the term expressly, for the first time under the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102, in the context of the limitations on the ...
    • Anonim Şirket Yönetim Kurulu Üyelerinin Bilgi Alma ve İnceleme Hakkı 

      Gürsel, Tuğçe (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024)
      Article 392 of Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 regulates the right of the members of the board directors to obtain information and inspection. This right is essential to fulfill the duties of the members of the board ...
    • Anonim Şirketlerde Şirket Ele Geçirmelerine Karşı Savunma Mekanizmalarından Biri: "Poison Pills" ve Türk Hukukunda Uygulanabilirliği 

      Kabasakal, Elif Beril (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023)
      Defense mechanisms are the methods developed to prevent the seizure of company control through takeover bids, which are the product of Anglo-American law, whose capital markets are large and deep. The target company, ...
    • Anonim Şirkette Rüçhan Hakkı 

      Atay, Onuralp (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)
      Subscription right has been regulated by the Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6102. Subscription right gives the shareholder the right to receive new shares, which will emerge as a result of the increase of capital. With ...
    • Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi ve Türk Anayasa Mahkemesi Kararları Kapsamında Mülkiyet Hakkı ve Kamulaştırma 

      Güneş, Merve (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      The right to property, which is a fundamental human right, has emerged in different forms over time and has always maintained its dynamism. Today, with the effect of the social state understanding, the right to property ...
    • Basiretli İş Adamı Gibi Davranma Yükümlülüğü 

      Çakı Çifci, Gamze (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023)
      Our subject of study is the requirement to act like a prudent businessman, regulated under the margin heading “Conditions of Being a Merchant” in article 18/2 of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102. This abstract concept ...
    • Bireysel İş Hukukunda Genel İşlem Koşulları ve Denetimi 

      Karakaş Sayan, İlknur (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023-09-28)
      Contracts containing general terms, the use of which became widespread with the Industrial Revolution, not only facilitated the working life, but also revealed the need to protect the other party of the contract due to ...
    • Ceza Hukukunda Hile 

      Aydoğan, Deniz (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023)
      Deception has a wide usage area in legal science. In the field of private law, it appears as a state of “invalidity of will power” that frees the deceived party from commitment to the contract and causes compensation for ...
    • Ceza Muhakemesi Hukukunda Karakter Delili 

      Usluadam, Asena Kamer (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-07-24)
      In criminal procedure, character evidence refers to evidence relating to behaviours and tendencies other than facts. Although the use of character evidence is prohibited as a rule in Anglo-American law; Continental European ...
    • Ceza Muhakemesinde Adli Kolluk ve Soruşturmadaki Rolü 

      Ayyıldız, Hakan (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
      One of the core duties of the state is to ensure the public order. In order to perform this duty, law enforcement is the most important tool of the state. Law enforcement is responsible for preventing crimes in order to ...
    • Ceza Muhakemesinde Bağlantılı Uyuşmazlıkların Birleştirilmesi 

      Elmalı, Miraç Beyza (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023)
      In criminal procedure, it is the rule that each dispute is judged separately. However, the connection between the disputes paves the way for multiple defendants to be judged together or for a single defendant to be judged ...
    • Ceza Muhakemesinde Teknik Araçlarla İzleme 

      Şahin, Seçil (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)
      Whilepulling off a crime and evading criminal examine, criminal organizations taking advantage of technological progress arriving the point of today are both having better organization and easier and faster communication. ...
    • Ekolojik Kriz ve Hukuk İlişkisi Çerçevesinde Türkiye’nin HES Problemi 

      Dagdemir, Sena Basak (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024-07-05)
      DAĞDEMİR, Sena Başak. Türkiye's Hydroelectric Challenge: Analyzing the Relationship Between Ecological Crisis and Law, Master's Thesis, Ankara, 2024. Hydroelectric energy is Türkiye’s most preferred energy production ...
    • Elektronik Sözleşmelerin Kurulması ve Geçerlilik Şartları 

      Erdoğan, Tuğrul (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      As a result of developments in internet technology, tools such as telephone, fax, television and radio, which were previously used to establish contracts, have been replaced by tools such as website, e-mail and communication ...