Bölüm "Ağız Diş ve Çene Cerrahisi" için listeleme
Toplam kayıt 39, listelenen: 1-20
A Rare Case Of Maxillary Hepatocellular Carcinoma Metastasis Mimicking Pyogenic Granuloma In A Geriatric Patient
(2019)Metastasis to the oral region is an uncommon characteristic of hepatocellular carcinoma. As such, diagnosis of these malignancies can be challenging due to clinical similarities with benign lesions. This report describes ... -
Atrofik Total Dişsiz Maksillada Kullanılan Titanyum Ve Peek Materyalinden Üretilmiş Farklı Subperiosteal İmplant Tasırımlarının Çevre Dokulardaki Biyomekanik Etkilerinin Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi Kullanılarak İncelenmesi
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2024)ABSTRACT Kasap T. Investigation of the Biomechanical Effects of Different Subperiosteal Implant Designs Made of Titanium and PEEK Materials Used in Atrophic Total Edentulous Maxilla on Surrounding Tissues Using Finite ... -
Atrofik Total Dişsiz Maksillanın Dental İmplant Destekli Protetik Rehabilitasyonunda Uygulanan Subperiosteal İmplantlatın Ve Zigomatik İmplantların Konvansiyonel İntraosseoz Dental İmplantlar İle 3-Boyutlu Sonlu Elemanlar Stres Analizi Kullanarak Karşılaştırılması
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2022)There are various treatment methods for the fixed prosthetic restoration of the totally edentulous atrophic maxilla. Applying conventional implant treatment together with bone augmentation is the most commonly used technique ... -
Bifosfonat Kullanan Hastalarda Diş Çekimi Öncesi Olası Çene Kemiği Nekrozunun Histopatolojik Olarak Değerlendirilmesi
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2016-12-08). Bisphosphonates are commonly used in treatment of diseases related to bones like osteoporosis, malignant hypercalcemia, bone metastasis of solid tumors and multiple myeloma. However, bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis ... -
Characterization Of Mesenchymal Stem Cells In Mucolipidosis Type Ii (I-Cell Disease)
(2019)Mucolipidosis type II (ML-II, I-cell disease) is a fatal inherited lysosomal storage disease caused by a deficiency of the enzyme N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase. A characteristic skeletal phenotype is one of the ... -
Deneysel Kemik Defektlerinde Lokal Olarak Uygulanan Alendronatın İyileşme Üzerine Etkilerinin Histomorfometrik ve Radyolojik Yöntemler İle İncelenmesi
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2017)In dental surgery, various methods for reconstruction of bone defects and improving the insufficient amount of bone are available. Bone defects that cause trauma, infection, tumors, fractures and such cases, the use of ... -
Dental İmplant Cerrahisinde Kullanılan Farklı Tasarımlardaki Cerrahi Rehberlerin Kemik Isı Artışına Etkisinin İn Vitro Ortamda İncelenmesi
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2023)Tooth loss is a condition that affects people both psychologically and physiologically, so throughout history, attempts have been made to find solutions to tooth deficiencies. Today, the gold standard treatment method to ... -
Dental İmplantların Osseointegrasyon Sürecinin İmplant Stabilite Ölçümleri Üzerinden Değerlendirilmesi
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020)Dental implants have proven to be a viable, predictable option to support prosthetic rehabilitation. In studies that examine implant osseointegration, primary stability is seen to be important factor for successful ... -
Double Inverted Mesiodentes: Report Of An Unusual Case
(2009)This report presents an extremely rare occurrence of two inverted mesiodentes in a child patient. Extraction of both mesiodentes was indicated, owing to the axial rotation of the permanent central incisors caused by these ... -
Effects Of Ankaferd Blood Stopper On Nerve Conductance: An Experimental Study On The Rat Sciatic Nerve
(Akad Doktorlar Yayınevi, 2012)The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of AnkaferdBloodStopper(R) (ABS) on nerve conductance. ABS consists of traditional haemostatic ingredients, and has been officially approved for topical use in the management ... -
Effects Of Bovine Lactoferrin In Surgically Created Bone Defects On Bone Regeneration Around Implants
(Nihon Univ, School Dentistry, 2015)The aim of this experimental study was to evaluate the effect of bovine lactoferrin (bLF)-loaded gelatin microspheres (GM) used in combination with anorganic bovine bone on bone regeneration in surgically created bone ... -
Effects Of Local Alendronate Administration On Bone Defect Healing. Histomorphometric And Radiological Evaluation In A Rabbit Model
(Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 2017)Purpose: To performed a histomorphometric and radiological study to evaluate the effects of alendronate sodium administered locally in mandibular bone defects created in rabbits. Methods: Two circular defects 5 mm in ... -
Evaluation Of Osteoblastic Activity In Extraction Sockets Treated With Platelet-Rich Fibrin
(2015)Objective: The aim of this study was to determine whether the use of platelet rich fibrin (PRF) improved the healing of extraction sockets. Study Design: A total of 20 patients with bilateral soft tissue impacted mandibular ... -
Hemofili Hastalarının Oral Bulgularının Değerlendirilmesi
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2023)This study aimed to evaluate the oral hygiene habits and gingival bleeding status of patients diagnosed with severe hemophilia A and B using different indices and to compare the effect of hemophilia on jaw bones in terms ... -
Hemostatic Effects Of Adrenaline And Ankaferd (Blood Stopper) During Orthodontic Attachment Bonding
(Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2018)Background/aim: Moisture prevention during the bonding of orthodontic attachments on impacted teeth is crucial for accomplishment. It was aimed to compare the hemostatic effects of adrenaline and Ankaferd Blood Stopper ... -
İki Farklı Geometriye Sahip Dental İmplantların Tip 2 Kemikte Oluşturduğu Stres Değerlerinin Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi ile Değerlendirilmesi
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2017-06-06)In recent years, dental implantology has come to the forefront in the literature of dentistry, and it is a reality that is at the forefront of the most debated issues in international dental congresses. Implant systems ... -
İlaçlarla İlişkili Çene Osteonekrozu Hastalarındaki Radyografik Bulguların Cerrahi İşlem Kararı ve Tedavi Sürecine Etkisi
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019)Urhan Ş. The Effect of Radiographic Findings on Surgical Treatment Decision and Treatment Process of Patients with Medication Related Osteonecrosis of The Jaw. Hacettepe University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral ... -
İliak Kemik Grefti ile Rekonstrüksiyon Yapılmış Hastalarda İmplant Destekli Protez Sonrası Klinik İmplant Başarısı, Ağız Sağlığı Etki Profili (Ohip-14) ve Hasta Memnuniyeti Değerlendirilmesi
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020-09)Reconstruction of severely atrophic jaws for rehabilitation with dental implants is widely used in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Autogenous bone grafts are still considered as the ‘gold standard’ because of its osteogenic ... -
İliak Kemik Grefti ile Rekonstrükte Edilmiş İleri Derecede Atrofik Mandibula Modelleri Üzerindeki Stres Dağılımının Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi ile Değerlendirilmesi
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2017)Dental implant therapy have become an often used alternative to replace missing teeth. Biomechanical factors have an important influence on the long and short term success of the dental implant. Factors such as implant ...