Deneysel Kemik Defektlerinde Lokal Olarak Uygulanan Alendronatın İyileşme Üzerine Etkilerinin Histomorfometrik ve Radyolojik Yöntemler İle İncelenmesi
In dental surgery, various methods for reconstruction of bone defects and improving the insufficient amount of bone are available. Bone defects that cause trauma, infection, tumors, fractures and such cases, the use of autogenous grafts is gold standart for bone augmentation method; although there are still some disadvantages. Bisphosphonates are the most often preferred antiresorptive agents and used for treatment in postmenopausal osteoporosis, Paget's disease, bone metastases and such increased osteoclastic activity cases. Alendronate, the new generation bisphosphonate, reduces bone resorption in osteopenic individuals, increases the density, and increases bone formation due to anticatabolic feature. At the same time, it has also anabolic effects while strengthening the maturation and proliferation of osteoblasts. In this study, we aimed to histomorphometric and radiological examination of effectiveness of local alendronate therapy for increase the success of autogenous grafts on rabbit defect model.