Sınıf Düzeyine, Bölgelere, Okul Türü ve Ders Türüne Göre Not Enflasyonunun İncelenmesi
In this study, 7th and 8th grade students who were educated in 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 academic years examined to determine whether there is grade inflation or not and the level of inflation according to grade level, regions, school types and course types (Turkish, Mathematics, Science and TC Kemalism) on average applied at the national scale. The data used in the research were obtained from the reports on the tests carried out by the Ministry of National Education on a national scale. The nominal test averages of the students were converted into real averages using the Grieves method. By using the nominal and real averages obtained, grade inflation indices were calculated according to grade level, regions, school type and course type. Analyzes were made in Microsoft Excel program. Grade inflation is at the same level by grade level and regions. The grade inflation in private secondary schools is higher than the grade inflation in public schools, and the grade inflation in numerical courses is higher than the grade inflation in the verbal departments.