Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Çocukluk ÇağıTravmaları ve Bağlanma Biçiminin Depresyon ve Kaygı Belirtileri ile İlişkisinde Aleksitiminin Aracı Rolünün İncelenmesi
The aim of this study is to investigate whether or not there is a mediator role ofalexithymia on the relationship of childhood traumas (sexual abuse, physical abuse,emotional abuse, emotional neglect, physical neglect) and attachment style (anxiety andavoidance dimensions of attachment) with depression and anxiety symptoms inadulthood.The sample of this study was collected from 417 undergraduate students studying atHacettepe University and the final analysis was done over 369 participants. TheDemographic Information Form, Experiences in Close Relationship Inventory-II (ECRR),Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20),Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) wereapplied to the students who volunteered to participate in this study in order to measurethe variables which were contained in this study.