Türkiye'de Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumunun Sağlık Harcamalarının Farklı İşsizlik Senaryolarına Dayalı Olarak Öngörülmesi: Bir Simülasyon Çalışması
Steadily growing demand related to health services’ quantity and quality has been
observed in globe. This demand resulted a financial burden to all countries’ social
security systems to provide necessary health services sufficiently. Dealing with this
increasing healthcare demands forced countries to glance at social security institutes’
health expenditures. To provide control on this expenditures, policy makers need
financial forecasting reports of healthcare demands. According to literature income is
placed as main factor among crucial factors what affects people’s behaviour in market.
In this economical perspective, thinking income and unemployment issues as main
factors which affect household behaviours may will be rational and scientific. In this
study, for different unemployment levels of Turkey’s made a prediction for Turkish
Social Security Institution’s health expenditure levels for 2016-2025 years through
factors may affect income level. In study, Unemployment was assumed as effective
factor to shape households behavior. In results, it is detected that unemployment level
has slightly positive way effect on health expenditure of Social Security Institution of
Turkey. Results show that unepmloyment increase health expenditures via utilization
policies from health services and health externalities. High unemployment level brings
together high health expenditure of Social Security Institution. It is thought that if an
unemployment level is getting higher, in families’ income level is getting decreased and
socio-economic conditions can be worse. Also, unemployment accelerate poverty in
public and probably this phonemenon effect individuals health. It is thought that
struggling with unemployment may make contribution to health levels because
unemployment potentially can affect individuals health and health needs in negative