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dc.contributor.authorDemirezen, Mehmet
dc.description.abstractThe stressed content words in sentences with correlative conjunctions carry a special place in the intonation of sentences. Correlative conjunctions are conjunctions that are used in pairs. The term correlative conjunction gets its name from the fact that it signals a paired conjunction that has a reciprocal or complementary relationship in a parallel situation, joining grammatically equal elements (e.g., noun & noun, adjective & adjective, phrase & phrase, clause & clause, etc.). It is interesting to note that the second word of each conjunctive pair in such coordinate conjunctions is a coordinating conjunction, hence they are essentially called coordinate conjunction used in pairs like "both ... and, not only. ... but also, whether. ... .or, either. ... or, and neither ... nor." There has been no research on the intonation of correlative conjunctions. The aim of this research is to fill in this gap. In this research, the participants will be given 12 sentences that include "both. ... and / and not only. ... but also" conjunctions as a corpus and will be asked to tape their utterances while they read these sentences out in relaxed and soundproof room. Each participant will hand over the taped material to the researcher. This way, their placement of primary stress as a phoneme in the sentences will be captured by means of Error Hunt Approach Grammar. The utterances of the participants will be further evaluated in terms of Grammar Intonation Approach with respect to Discourse Intonation Approach in relation to teaching and learning sentence intonation in teacher education. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by ElsevierLtd.
dc.publisherElsevier Science Bv
dc.subjectEducation & Educational Research
dc.subjectSocial Sciences - Other Topics
dc.titleDetermining The Difficulties Of Intonation With Both ... And And Not Only ... But Also: A Computational Analysis In Teacher Education
dc.relation.journalProceedings Of The 1St Globelt Conference On Teaching And Learning English As An Additional Language
dc.contributor.departmentYabancı Diller Eğitimi

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