Metinlerarası İlişkiler Bağlamında Kadîmî'nin Leylâ Vü Mecnûn Mesnevisi (İnceleme-Metin)
This study consists of three different sections including introduction, review and text. In the introduction, firstly, the information about Kadîmî s life and works is given. Then, it is mentioned about the writing tradition of Leylâ vü Mecnûn in the Arabic – Persian – Turkish mesnevi writing tradition and intertextual extent of mesnevi writing tradition and copyright-translation work concepts within the act of rewriting are handled. In the review section, the information about Nizâmî s, Şâhidî s and Kadîmî s Leylâ vü Mecnûn within the frame of Leylâ vü Mecnûn story is given. Nizâmî s and Şâhidî s Leylâ vü Mecnûn mesnevis are evaluated in comparison.