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dc.contributor.advisorErol, Burçin
dc.contributor.authorDürükoğlu, Okaycan
dc.identifier.citationDÜRÜKOĞLU, Okaycan. “Medievalist Epics by an English Woman Poet: Margaret Holford’s Wallace; or, The Fight of Falkirk and Margaret of Anjou: a Poem”, Master’s Thesis, Ankara, 2019.tr_TR
dc.description.abstractMargaret Holford (1778-1852) was an English woman poet, a translator and at the same time a novelist. She produced her works in a number of genres but she was not much anthologized like her contemporaries. However, she published two major works, Wallace, or, The Fight of Falkirk (1809) and Margaret of Anjou: A Poem (1816) which drew the attention of the critics. The time in which Holford published her poems, there was a great interest in medieval history and culture, and this interest led many writers to produce medievalist works. Margaret Holford was one of those writers but she differs from her women contemporaries since most of the women writers did not prefer to use Medievalism in their works. At this juncture, by using medieval characters and setting, she becomes a precursor of the movement of the Medieval Revival in terms of women’s writing. Furthermore, Holford writes her poems in a heroic mode by employing many essential characteristics of the epic genre in her poems although there were certain prejudices about women poets in terms of writing epics. This thesis will illustrate that Margaret Holford writes her poems Wallace, or, The Fight of Falkirk and Margaret of Anjou: A Poem in the heroic mode by employing essential qualities of epics. Most importantly, since Margaret Holford has not been studied in depth and there are very few studies related to her, this thesis will pave the way for the further studies about her works.tr_TR
dc.description.tableofcontentsTABLE OF CONTENTS KABUL VE ONAY………………………………………………………………….....i YAYIMLAMA VE FİKRİ MÜLKİYET HAKLARI BEYANI……………..……….………...ii ETİK BEYAN………………………………………………………..………...……………..iii DEDICATION………………………………………………………………………….iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………………………………………......v ÖZET………………………………………………………………………………….vi ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………..vii TABLE OF CONTENTS….………………………………………………………...viii INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………..1 CHAPTER I : WOMEN AND LITERATURE IN THE EIGHTEENTH AND THE NINETEENTH CENTURIES ………………………………………………………..12 1.1. WOMEN IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ……………….…..…..18 1.2. POETRY OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AND WOMEN POETS………………………………………………………………………...20 1.3. WOMEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY ……………..……...….22 1.4. POETRY OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY AND WOMEN POETS………………………………………………………………………...24 1.5. ENGLISH/BRITISH MEDIEVALISM ……………….…………….…..28 1.6. MARGARET HOLFORD AND HER POETIC IDENTITY……….....35 CHAPTER II : MARGARET HOLFORD’S WALLACE; OR, THE FIGHT OF FALKIRK ………………………………………………………………………….....39 CHAPTER III : MARGARET HOLFORD’S MARGARET OF ANJOU; A POEM ………………………………………………………………………………………...73 CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………...107 WORKS CITED…………………………………………………………………….111 APPENDIX 1: ORIGINALITY REPORTS……………………………………….125 APPENDIX 2: ETHICS BOARD WAIVER FORMS…………………………….127tr_TR
dc.publisherSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsütr_TR
dc.subjectMargaret Holfordtr_eng
dc.subjectThe fight of falkirktr_eng
dc.subjectMargaret of Anjou: A poemtr_eng
dc.subjectEnglish woman poettr_eng
dc.subject19th century British poetrytr_eng
dc.titleMedievalist Epics by an English Woman Poet: Margaret Holford’s Wallace; or, The Fight of Falkirk and Margaret of Anjou: a Poemtr_eng
dc.description.ozetMargaret Holford (1778-1852), İngiliz kadın şair, çevirmen ve aynı zamanda roman yazarıdır. Eserlerini çeşitli edebi türlerde üretmiştir, fakat çağdaşlarının aksine eserleri şiir antolojilerine dâhil edilmemiştir. Ancak, eleştirmenlerin dikkatini çeken Wallace, or, The Fight of Falkirk (Wallace ya da Falkirk Mücadelesi) (1809) ve Margaret of Anjou: A Poem (Anjou’lu Margaret) (1816) adlı iki önemli manzum eser yayınlamıştır. Holford'un şiirlerini ürettiği dönemde, Ortaçağ tarihine ve kültürüne büyük ilgi vardı ve bu ilgi birçok yazarın eserlerini Ortaçağcı bir tavırla üretmelerine neden olmuştur. Margaret Holford bu yazarlardan biriydi ancak kadın yazarların çoğu, eserlerinde Ortaçağcılık akımını kullanmayı tercih etmediği için Holford kadın çağdaşlarından farklıydı. Bu noktada, kadın yazını açısından, Ortaçağ karakterlerini ve olaylarını kullanmasıyla, Ortaçağ canlanması hareketinin öncüsü olmuştur. Dahası, kadın şairlerin destan yazmaları konusunda birçok önyargı olmasına rağmen, Holford bu iki eserini destan geleneğine uyarak yazmıştır ve destan türüne ait birçok temel özelliği şiirlerinde kullanmıştır. Bu tez, Margaret Holford’un Wallace; or, The Fight of Falkirk ve Margaret of Anjou: A Poem eserlerini destan geleneğinin özelliklerini kullanarak yazdığını gösterecektir. En önemlisi, Margaret Holford ve eserleri ile ilgili çok az sayıda çalışma bulunduğundan, bu tez Holford hakkında daha fazla çalışma yapılmasının önünü açacaktır.tr_TR
dc.contributor.departmentİngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatıtr_TR
dc.embargo.termsAcik erisimtr_TR

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