• Parçalanma ve Gizdökümcü Görsel Anlatımlar 

      Ata, Bahar (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2020)
      The confessional poem genre was originated between 1950s and 1960s which generally uses concepts including terms such as “personal” or “I”. Therefore, the artist’s main concept is himself/herself, sharing numerous details ...
    • Plastik Sanatlar Bağlamında Çirkinlik 

      Ersal, Güneş Zeynep (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2022)
      In this thesis study, the concept of “ugliness” was taken on, not only by its first format, but also by its theoretical meaning. By taking as principal questions like what are the factors that affected esthetic perception ...
    • Plastik Sanatlarda Kadın İmgesi 

      Shikhaliyeva, Gular (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2019-06-26)
      The concept of violence which include emotional and psychological pressures as well as physical kept its place in human life throughout the history. The phenomenon of violence is seen to operate mostly on women when ...
    • Plastik Sanatlarda Mekan Algısı 

      Demirci , Ayşe (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2019)
      The concept of location has always been a subject of art. This thesis ‘‘Perception of Location in Plastic Arts’’ focuses on the development and transformation of the concept of location in historical sense. The connection ...
    • Plastik Sanatlarda Pulun Evsizlik Olgusu 

      Kuruçay, Büşra (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2019-07-10)
      Stamps as a symbol of the countries where they are produced, are small design products that play the role of reflecting the artistic understanding, social life of that country and carrying the past to the future. If we ...
    • Plastik Sanatlarda Qualia Nosyonu 

      Müjde, Rana Hümeyra (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2024-06-10)
      In the present thesis titled as “the Notion of Qualia in the Plastic Arts”, proposes a perspective with personal art practices on qualia as a fundamental philosophical problem. In line with a research that combines the ...
    • Prekarya Kavramı Üzerine Sanat Uygulamaları 

      Erkol, Nejbir (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2022-02-02)
      This master's thesis examines the concept of precariat coined by Guy Standing . The concept of precariat emerges in insecure, precarious work models creating vulnerability and flexibility, giving hints about the future of ...
    • Psikolojik Durumların Görsel Yansımaları 

      Tanatar, Cansu (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023-07-13)
      Psychology plays an important role in art. Psychology is important both for the creator and for the works he creates and for those who receive it. We see the inner world of the individual through his best works. We see ...
    • Resim Olarak Asemik Yazı ve İmza 

      AYHAN, Yavuz (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2024)
      In this study titled "Asemic Writing and Signature as Painting", it covers the theme of "asemic writing" and "signature" as the subject of painting. In the first part, starting from the concept of meaning, information about ...
    • Resim Olarak Asemik Yazı ve İmza 

      Ayhan, Yavuz (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2024)
      In this study titled "Asemic Writing and Signature as Painting", it covers the theme of "asemic writing" and "signature" as the subject of painting. In the first part, starting from the concept of meaning, information about ...
    • Resim Sanatında Algı ve İmge İlişkisi Bağlamında Belirsizlik Olgusu 

      Ateş, Coşgu (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2022-06-22)
      Understanding the process of perception is important for understanding areas of indeterminacy. The time december from the beginning of the sensory process of perception to the moment of identification in consciousness ...
    • Resim ve Müzik İlişkisinde Doğaçlama ve Renk 

      Shajari Aghdam, Yousef (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2018-06-18)
      Music and art, known as independent branches of art, have been in a deep rooted relationship throughout history. This relationship continues to be even more pronounced today. This link can be taken from different angles. ...
    • Resim Yüzeyinde Nesne Çözümlemeleri 

      Erboğa, Abdulvehap (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2019-01-18)
      x ABSTRACT ERBOĞA, Abdulvehap. Objectıve Analysıs In Paıntıng Surfaces,Thesıs Of Master’s Degree, Ankara, 2019. The research in the works of art carried out within the scope of this thesis called "Object Analysis on ...
    • Resimde "Ağaç" 

      Arghavanian, Aida (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2013)
      In this report, the historical and cultural importance of the tree and the many ways in which it has found representation in painting has been researched. Various artworks using the tree , which has a significant place ...
    • Resimde Benlik e Ötekilik Bağlamında Portre 

      Ehsan Ghanbarzad Khajeh (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023-07-19)
      Portrait in the context of "self" and "otherness" in painting is examined in this thesis through a multidisciplinary approach, starting with the basic definitions and terminology with art historical examples with help from ...
    • Resimde Bir İmge Olarak Kağıt 

      Görücü, Mizgin Müjde (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023)
      At the point of defining nature, the tree was used as a symbol and in this way; meanings have been established through metaphors such as death/life, creation/destruction, destruction/reconstruction. In the first part of ...
    • Resimde Düşsel İmgeler 

      Yamak, Gülüzar (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2017)
      In my study report on “Fantastic Images in Painting”, the effective role and power of art is addressed with respect to how to find a way out through the inner journey of the person seeking his/her own identity (addressing ...
    • Resimde Eleştiri Biçimi Olarak Eller 

      Çetin, Hasan Toygar (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2018-01-08)
      The evolution of human beings is accelerated by the use of hands. Human beings depict with the help of hands; they struggle for survival against nature and environment in paintings. They believed that these paintings ...
    • Resimde Entropi Estetiği 

      Şen Akkaş, Şerife (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2022-11-01)
      In this thesis, in which the reflections of the aesthetic expression of the concept of entropy in painting is investigated, the acceleration of entropy, which prepares the ground for the deterioration and destruction of ...
    • Resimde Gösteri ve Gösteriş İmgeleri 

      Balaban, Hakan (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2022)
      In this thesis, concepts of spectacle and conspicuous consumption have been explored through other concepts such as ‘fashion’, ‘kitsch’, ‘fetishism’ by assuming there is a relationship between them and interpreted through ...