• Asimetrik Topolojik Uzaylar 

      Karataş, Esra (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013)
      The aim of this thesis is to make a compilation about asymmetric topological spaces and dual spaces which are defined in order to provide asymmetric spaces to have better topological properties. This work consists of five ...
    • Bazı Seçme Özelliklerinin Zayıf ve Göreceli Formları 

      Eysen , Ali Emre (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019-06-24)
      The aim of this thesis is to introduce the weak forms of some classical selection properties in bitopological spaces, investigate the relationships between them and characterize these properties with topological games. ...
    • Bazı Singular Genelleştirilmiş Fonksiyonların Neutrix Kompozisyonları 

      Aktürk, Inci (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014)
      In this thesis by using the neutrix calculus, the neutrix compositions of some special generalized functions are defined.The thesis consists of five chapters.The first chapter is an introduction to the thesis. In the second ...
    • Combınatorıal Solutıons For Consensus Algorıthms And Blockchaın Shardıng 

      Jameel, Marwan (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2021)
      The scalability problem in blockchain technology seems to be the essential issue to be solved. It is known that the choice of a compromised algorithm is critical for the practical solution of this important problem. Usually, ...

      MUSLU, Burak (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2023)
      In this study, CS-modules and some of their generalizations, conditional direct summands feature modules will be handled with the help of relative injectivity and the results in this direction will be compiled and the ...
    • Conditional Direct Summand Properties Via Relative Injectivity 

      Muslu, Burak (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2023)
      In this study, CS-modules and some of their generalizations, conditional direct summands feature modules will be handled with the help of relative injectivity and the results in this direction will be compiled and the ...
    • Contact Structures and Legendrian Links 

      Ay, Sercan (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2022)
      A contact structure on an oriented three-manifold is a maximally non-integrable 2-plane field distributed all over the three-manifold. Legendrian knots and Legendrian links in contact three-manifolds give important ...
    • Dedekind Asal Halkalar ve Genelleştirmeleri 

      Koçak, Gözde (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015)
      The commutative theory of Dedekind domains is well developed in literature and much isknown about the arithmetic of ideals and also the structure of modules over a Dedekinddomain. There have been many studies on the ...

      Kayıkçı, Burcu (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2017-08)
      In commutative setting, prime ideals are very important tools to determine the structure of a ring. In this thesis, some structure theorems will be discussed which belong to Cohen and Kaplansky. The aim of this thesis ...
    • Derivations and Automorphisms of Certain Subrings of Matrix Rings 

      Sayın, Umut (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018)
      Let K be an arbitrary associative ring with identity. We denote by Mn(K) the ring of all nxn matrices over K. Say K=F for some field F. Then it is a consequence of Skolem-Noether theorem that every automorphism of Mn(F) ...
    • Derivations and Automorphisms of Some Infinite Matrix Algebras 

      Yılmaz, Tunahan (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2021)
      Let R be a commutative ring with identity and M_n(R) be the algebra (ring) of all n x n matrices over R. Note that an additive D of a ring R into itself is said to be a derivation of R if D(xy)=D(x)y+xD(y) for all x, y ...
    • Diçatılara Genelleştirilmiş Bazı Topolojik Kavramlar 

      Korkmaz, Esra (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018)
      The aim of this thesis is to define the notion of diframe as a generalization of ditopological texture spaces and to study the topological concepts such as separation axioms and compactness in diframe setting. This work ...
    • Endomorfizma Halkası Düzenli Olan Modüller Üzerine Bir Çalışma 

      Arslan, Hümeyra (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2022-06-22)
      In the first part of our thesis, a brief information about the studies on regular rings is given. In the second chapter, the general properties of regular and unit regular rings, and some basic concepts that we will use ...
    • f-Supplemented Lattices 

      Can, Elif (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2023)
      The main purpose of this thesis is to generalize some known results about F-supplemented modules to lattices. Let L be a complete modular lattice with smallest element 0 and greatest element 1. A homomorphic image of an ...
    • Factorization of Ideals in Commutative Domains and Some Generalizations of Dedekind Domains 

      Vural, Akif (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015)
      Dedekind domain are the rings in which every nonzero proper ideal has a prime factorization. In this thesis, we first study valuation rings and Prüfer domains. Then we characterize Dedekind domains which are also Noetherian ...

      Hasman, Şule (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2017)
      In this thesis, a detailed compilation study about the theory of transitive quasi-uniform spaces constructed in peculiar to asymmetric topology as well as the various results, together with the fundamental properties ...
    • Genelleştirilmiş Splinelar Teorisi 

      Dilaver, Gökçen (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020)
      Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity and $G=(V,E)$ be a finite graph, where $V$ is a set of elements of vertices and $E$ is a set of elements of edges. A map $ \alpha : E \to \{\text{ideals in R}\}$ is called ...
    • Geometric Structures on Riemann Surfaces and Reidemeister Torsion 

      Zeybek, Hatice (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020)
      Let Σ be a closed orientable surface of genus at least 2 and Rep(Σ,G) be the smooth part of the representation variety of homomorphisms' conjugation classes from fundamental group of Σ to Lie group G. In this thesis, ...
    • Halka Yapısının Sonlu Sıfırlanan Modüller Üzerinde Belirlenmesi 

      Çağlar, Deniz Halim (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2021)
      This thesis is based on work on modules that satisfy the H-condition, also known as "finitely annihilated modules" in the theory of modules on unitary rings. Modules that satisfy the H-condition have taken an important ...
    • Hareket Veri Tabanlarında Fizik Tabanlı Benzerlik Arama 

      İlhan, Hacer (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018)
      Human motion capture data is a digital representation of the complex spatio temporal structure of three dimensional human motion. With the rapid development of motion capturing technologies and the more common use of motion ...