• 20.YY. Doğu Anadolu Taşlamalarında Mizahın Protesto İşlevi 

      Sarıkaya, Elif Eda (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)
      SARIKAYA, Elif Eda. Humor Protest Function in 20th Century Eastern Anatolian Taslamas, Master’s Thesis, Ankara, 2019. Inhabited literature in the Turkish folk literature is composed of works on the subject of community ...
    • Anadolu Türkleri’nin Halk Masallarında Erkek ve Erkekleşme 

      Işıkelekoğlu, Emine (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      Gender-based studies in Turkey have increased acceleration in the last decade. This increase has led gender researchers to focus on women and femininity, and male studies remain in the background. Today, masculinity ...
    • Çankırı Masalları 

      Arslan, Ahmet Serdar (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2017)
      The thesis entitled “Folk Tale in Çankırı” is composed of field work, recordings of the compilations and the analyses of the folk tale texts using the methods of folklore. To do this, the thesis is divided into five ...
    • Çikolatanın Tarihinde İsviçre ve İsviçre Kültür Ekonomisinde Çikolata 

      Kaya Terme, Kübra (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019-07-07)
      ABSTRACT KAYA TERME, Kübra. Chocolate in the Swiss and Swiss Cultural Economy in the History of Chocolate, Master Thesis, Ankara, 2019. Since the economic development forces of the countries have started to shape in a ...
    • Doğu Azerbaycan Halk Kültüründe Geçiş Dönemleri 

      Sardarinia, Elnaz (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2016-12-28)
      Any physical and spiritual property that the society has produced in the process of history and transferred from one generation to another is called culture. Creating the identity of society, culture differentiates societies ...
    • Edebiyat ve Ekonomi İlişkisi Kapsamında Kitap Fuarları 

      Aybek, Berivan Pervin (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
      The aim of this study is to determine the economic qualities of literature as a cultural economic field on the basis of book fairs with its historical and current points.In this study, it is tried to analyze the current ...
    • Geleneğin Yeniden Keşfi Bağlamında Halk Hekimliği (Ankara Kent Örneği) 

      Tavukcu, Hilal (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2016)
      In this study, the change and transformation between the people living in the city of Ankara in the years 2006-2016 after the folk medicine was laid in the background were explained by internal and external dynamics. During ...
    • Geleneksel Bilginin Değişimi ve Dönüşümü: Cudibey ve Elmaalan Mahalleleri Örneği 

      Gürsoy, Çiğdem (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023-02-15)
      Traditional knowledge is the whole of beliefs, thoughts and actions that are left by ancestors of a particular region and that are passed verbally from generation to generation. The aim of this study is to identify and ...
    • Geleneksel Ekolojik Bilgi ve Aksu/Sofular Havzası 

      Ateşgül, Yiğit (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
      The aim of this study is to examine the traditional ecological knowledge of Sofular Village of Isparta Aksu District in the context of folkloristics. Traditional ecological knowledge examines the interaction of people who ...
    • Geleneksel Ekolojik Bilgi ve Aksu/Sofular Havzası 

      ATEŞGÜL, Yiğit (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
      The aim of this study is to examine the traditional ecological knowledge of Sofular Village of Isparta Aksu District in the context of folkloristics. Traditional ecological knowledge examines the interaction of people who ...
    • Hayvan Folkloru Bağlamında Türk Dünyası Ekolojik Destanları 

      Gacar, Şamil (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)
      Today, the questioning of human relations with nature has caused the beginning of the posthuman process in the last two centuries. The unilateral, consumption and domination of human’s notions to approach to nature and ...
    • Hâfız Halil İbrahim Efendi Cöngü Üzerine Mukayeseli Bir İnceleme 

      Aldemir, Hüseyin (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)
      The manuscripts, which include many verses and prose works such as runs, sermons, epics, manias, hymns, folk tales, proverbs, are the most important written sources of Turkish culture. In this study, a comparative ...
    • Ignácz Kúnos’un Derlediği Türk Masalları’nın Propp Metoduyla İncelenmesi 

      Ergüt, Hatice Meltem (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)
      ABSTRACT ERGÜT, Hatice Meltem. Analiysis of Turkish Tales Compiled of Kunos by Propp Method, Master’s Thesis, Ankara, 2020. One of the building blocks of a nation is undoubtedly tales. The source of these products, ...
    • Kamusal Kültür Politikaları ve Yönetiminin Türk Gölge Tiyatrosu Karagöz’e Etkilerinin İncelenmesi 

      Koyuncu , Ayşe (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)
      There are many complementaries of the culture, which points to many time and place, arises to the sky as much as possible and spreads to the earth as far as it can. Therefore, it is very difficult to reach definite answers ...
    • Kore Halk Kültüründe Ölü Gömme Gelenekleri 

      Park, Hyunjoo (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2017-01)
      ABSTRACT PARK, Hyunjoo. Tradition of Burying The Dead in Korea Folklore, Master’s thesis, Ankara, 2016. Death, is an inevitable event for the individuals in the sociocultural life of a society. Death, is the last ...
    • Kuzeybatı Bursa Masalları 

      Sevinç, Ahmet (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      In this study called " Northwestern Bursa Tales", 61 fairy tale texts compiled from the source people living in Bursa city and its villages were examined. In this study, the structure, type and motif features of the tales ...
    • Küçük Gruplarda Meslek Folklor Bağlamında İp-Yular Yapımcılığı: ÜNYE ÖRNEĞİ 

      Karamahmutoğlu, Feride (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024-07-03)
      A profession can be performed individually or as a group, requires education, knowledge and skills, and provides income by producing goods or services. Professions are very important for people in terms of its rules ...
    • Kırşehir Çocuk Folkloru 

      Nizamoğlu Babacan, Kübra (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023-01-12)
      Children's folklore is an independent field of study within folklore, the subject of which is limited to children and their environment. Understanding the content of the concept of child is important for understanding ...
    • Lütfi Ö. Akad’ın Gelin, Düğün, Diyet Filmlerine Halkbilimsel Bir Bakış 

      Ülkmen, Yağmur (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024)
      "In this study, the films "Gelin" (1973), "Düğün" (1974), and "Diyet" (1974) by Lütfi Akad, one of the prominent directors of Turkish cinema, have been examined through the method of ...
    • Bir Maddi Kültür Çevresi Olarak Eskişehir Eski Otogarı 

      Bilge, Doğan Bekir (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024)
      Throughout its historical existence, human beings have always interacted with the nature and environment in which they live in. Humans, trying to make sense of nature and its environment, have dominated it with various ...