The Relatıonshıp Between Prospectıve Englısh Teachers Multıple Intellıgences, Emotıonal Intellıgence, Learnıng Styles, and Theır Academıc Achıevement
The present research study investigated the relationship between the Multiple Intelligence profiles, Emotional Intelligence, Learning Styles and Academic Achievement among prospective English teachers in a Turkish context. A total of 102 prospective English teachers (Male: 26, 25.5%; Female: 76, 74.5%) participated in the study. The Multiple Intelligences Developmental Assessment Scale (MIDAS) developed by Shearer (2006) was used to assess the participants Multiple Intelligences profiles. Schutte et al. s (2009) Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEIS) was used to measure Emotional Intelligence, and Kolb s (2007) Learning Styles Inventory (KLSI) was used to asses the Learning Styles preferences of the participants. The findings of the study revealed that interpersonal, linguistic and intrapersonal intelligences were found to be the most dominant intelligences among the participants. Moreover, eight in ten (80.19%) of the participants had higher levels of emotional intelligence.