• 27 Mayıs Darbesinden 12 Mart Muhtırasına Türk Basınında Atatürk ve Atatürkçülük 

      Güler, Burak (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2023)
      This study aims to analyze the columns about Atatürk and Kemalism through the examples of the printed media published in Turkey between the era of 1960-1971. In this context, together with an introduction that presents the ...
    • Balıkesir 1938 79 

      Unknown author (1938)
    • Bosna Gazetesi’ne Göre 1875 Hersek İsyanı 

      Çoban, Sezer (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-09-27)
      Newspapers form the basis of the mass media used in the XIX. century. The Ottoman Empire also used newspapers in order to establish a bond with its people and to keep the communication between the center and the countryside ...
    • Isparta 1942 01A-01B-01C 

      Unknown author (1942)
    • Küçük İskender Şiirlerinde Sinestezi 

      Şahin, Duran Eren (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021-11-26)
      ŞAHİN, Duran Eren. Synesthesia in the poems of Küçük İskender. Master’s Thesis, Ankara, 2021. Synesthesia, in one way, is described as a sense complexity, and in another way it is accepted as a medical anomaly. The word ...
    • Post-Kemalist Zamanlarda Pop-Kemalizm: 90'lar Türkiyesi'nde Popüler Kültür 

      Serenlioğlu, İpek (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023)
      The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the popular culture explosion that took place in Turkey in the nineties and Kemalism. Popular culture tools, which started to rise in the nineties, also influenced ...
    • Türkiye'de Uç Sağ Dergilerin CHP'ye Bakışı: 1971-1980 

      Alpyürük, Hakan (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024)
      This thesis focuses on the criticisms towards CHP, by Devlet Magazine and Millî Gazete, which were the main publications of far right parties MHP and MSP respectively, in the 1970s in Turkey. Growing quarrels between left ...