• Escmid Dagger And Ecmm Double Dagger Joint Clinical Guidelines For The Diagnosis And Management Of Rare Invasive Yeast Infections 

      Arendrup, M. C.; Boekhout, T.; Akova, M.; Meis, J. F.; Cornely, O. A.; Lortholary, O. (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2014)
      The mortality associated with invasive fungal infections remains high with that involving rare yeast pathogens other than Candida being no exception. This is in part due to the severe underlying conditions typically ...
    • Escmid White Paper: A Guide On Escmid Guidance Documents 

      Scudeller, L.; Rodriguez-Bano, J.; Zinkernagel, A.; Tacconelli, Evelina; Akova, M.; Friedrich, A. W.; Sanguinetti, M.; Paul, M.; Poljak, M. (2019)
      Background and aim: The European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) aims to further develop its role in international medical and scientific guidance in the field of Clinical Microbiology and ...
    • Escmid* Guideline For The Diagnosis And Management Of Candida Diseases 2012: Adults With Haematological Malignancies And After Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (Hct) 

      Ullmann, A. J.; Akova, M.; Herbrecht, R.; Viscoli, C.; Arendrup, M. C.; Arikan-Akdagli, S.; Bassetti, M.; Bille, J.; Calandra, T.; Castagnola, E.; Cornely, O. A.; Donnelly, J. P.; Garbino, J.; Groll, A. H.; Hope, W. W.; Jensen, H. E.; Kullberg, B. J.; Lass-Floerl, C.; Lortholary, O.; Meersseman, W.; Petrikkos, G.; Richardson, M. D.; Roilides, E.; Verweij, P. E.; Cuenca-Estrella, M. (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2012)
      Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18 (Suppl. 7): 5367 Abstract Fungal diseases still play a major role in morbidity and mortality in patients with haematological malignancies, including those undergoing haematopoietic stem cell ...
    • Escmid* Guideline For The Diagnosis And Management Of Candida Diseases 2012: Developing European Guidelines In Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases 

      Ullmann, A. J.; Cornely, O. A.; Donnelly, J. P.; Akova, M.; Arendrup, M. C.; Arikan-Akdagli, S.; Bassetti, M.; Bille, J.; Calandra, T.; Castagnola, E.; Garbino, J.; Groll, A. H.; Herbrecht, R.; Hope, W. W.; Jensen, H. E.; Kullberg, B. J.; Lass-Floerl, C.; Lortholary, O.; Meersseman, W.; Petrikkos, G.; Richardson, M. D.; Roilides, E.; Verweij, P. E.; Viscoli, C.; Cuenca-Estrella, M. (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2012)
      Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18 (Suppl. 7): 18 Abstract The process to develop a guideline in a European setting remains a challenge. The ESCMID Fungal Infection Study Group (EFISG) successfully achieved this endeavour. ...
    • Escmid* Guideline For The Diagnosis And Management Of Candida Diseases 2012: Diagnostic Procedures 

      Cuenca-Estrella, M.; Verweij, P. E.; Arendrup, M. C.; Arikan-Akdagli, S.; Bille, J.; Donnelly, J. P.; Jensen, H. E.; Lass-Floerl, C.; Richardson, M. D.; Akova, M.; Bassetti, M.; Calandra, T.; Castagnola, E.; Cornely, O. A.; Garbino, J.; Groll, A. H.; Herbrecht, R.; Hope, W. W.; Kullberg, B. J.; Lortholary, O.; Meersseman, W.; Petrikkos, G.; Roilides, E.; Viscoli, C.; Ullmann, A. J. (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2012)
      Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18 (Suppl. 7): 918 Abstract As the mortality associated with invasive Candida infections remains high, it is important to make optimal use of available diagnostic tools to initiate antifungal ...
    • Escmid* Guideline For The Diagnosis And Management Of Candida Diseases 2012: Non-Neutropenic Adult Patients 

      Cornely, O. A.; Bassetti, M.; Calandra, T.; Garbino, J.; Kullberg, B. J.; Lortholary, O.; Meersseman, W.; Akova, M.; Arendrup, M. C.; Arikan-Akdagli, S.; Bille, J.; Castagnola, E.; Cuenca-Estrella, M.; Donnelly, J. P.; Groll, A. H.; Herbrecht, R.; Hope, W. W.; Jensen, H. E.; Lass-Floerl, C.; Petrikkos, G.; Richardson, M. D.; Roilides, E.; Verweij, P. E.; Viscoli, C.; Ullmann, A. J. (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2012)
      Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18 (Suppl. 7): 1937 Abstract This part of the EFISG guidelines focuses on non-neutropenic adult patients. Only a few of the numerous recommendations can be summarized in the abstract. Prophylactic ...
    • Escmid* Guideline For The Diagnosis And Management Of Candida Diseases 2012: Patients With Hiv Infection Or Aids 

      Lortholary, O.; Petrikkos, G.; Akova, M.; Arendrup, M. C.; Arikan-Akdagli, S.; Bassetti, M.; Bille, J.; Calandra, T.; Castagnola, E.; Cornely, O. A.; Cuenca-Estrella, M.; Donnelly, J. P.; Garbino, J.; Groll, A. H.; Herbrecht, R.; Hope, W. W.; Jensen, H. E.; Kullberg, B. J.; Lass-Floerl, C.; Meersseman, W.; Richardson, M. D.; Roilides, E.; Verweij, P. E.; Viscoli, C.; Ullmann, A. J. (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2012)
      Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18 (Suppl. 7): 6877 Abstract Mucosal candidiasis is frequent in immunocompromised HIV-infected highly active antiretroviral (HAART) naive patients or those who have failed therapy. Mucosal ...
    • Escmid* Guideline For The Diagnosis And Management Of Candida Diseases 2012: Prevention And Management Of Invasive Infections In Neonates And Children Caused By Candida Spp. 

      Hope, W. W.; Castagnola, E.; Groll, A. H.; Roilides, E.; Akova, M.; Arendrup, M. C.; Arikan-Akdagli, S.; Bassetti, M.; Bille, J.; Cornely, O. A.; Cuenca-Estrella, M.; Donnelly, J. P.; Garbino, J.; Herbrecht, R.; Jensen, H. E.; Kullberg, B. J.; Lass-Floerl, C.; Lortholary, O.; Meersseman, W.; Petrikkos, G.; Richardson, M. D.; Verweij, P. E.; Viscoli, C.; Ullmann, A. J. (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2012)
      Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18 (Suppl. 7): 3852 Abstract Invasive candidiasis (IC) is a relatively common syndrome in neonates and children and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. These guidelines provide ...
    • Escobar Syndrome Is A Prenatal Myasthenia Caused By Disruption Of The Acetylcholine Receptor Fetal Gamma Subunit 

      Hoffmann, Katrin; Mueller, Juliane S.; Stricker, Sigmar; Megarbane, Andre; Rajab, Anna; Lindner, Tom H.; Cohen, Monika; Chouery, Eliane; Adaimy, Lynn; Ghanem, Ismat; Delague, Valerie; Boltshauser, Eugen; Talim, Beril; Horvath, Rita; Robinson, Peter N.; Lochmueller, Hanns; Huebner, Christoph; Mundlos, Stefan (Univ Chicago Press, 2006)
      Escobar syndrome is a form of arthrogryposis multiplex congenita and features joint contractures, pterygia, and respiratory distress. Similar findings occur in newborns exposed to nicotinergic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) ...
    • Esin Pilten'in Metal Formları 

      Bilinmeyen yazar (Yeni Gazete, 1965-11-21)
    • Eski Anadolu Türkçesinde Epistemik Kiplik: Kısas-ı Enbiya Örneği 

      Üzüm, Melike (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2017-07-18)
      In linguistics, the relationship between a speaker and his/her utterance is explored through modality. Modality is marked in a statement via syntax, modal verbs, imperatives, verbal inflection, and modal particles. Because ...
    • Eski Anadolu'da Hitit ve Frig Mitolojisinin Müziksel Unsurları 

      Erdem, Aylin (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2024-07-25)
      In ancient Anatolia, music played an important role in rituals related to belief systems. Music was at the centre of ceremonies, rites and festivals associated with the gods. This study examines its role in the daily ...
    • Eski Duvarcının Başarılı Tablo ve Mozaikleri 

      Bilinmeyen yazar (Yeni Gazete, 1965-11-14)
    • Eski Hitit Döneminden İmparatorluk Dönemi Sonuna Kadar Tasvirli Eserlerde Kadın Kıyafetleri 

      Özdemir, İpek (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024-01-15)
      Culture, encompasses all the values of thought and art possessed by every community that has gained its sovereignty and constitutes the identity of tradition. The Hittites, the first founder of a centralized state organization ...
    • Eski Mezopotamya Müzik Teorisi Metinleri ve Çalgıları Bağlamında Anadolu Arkeomüzikolojisini Değerlendirmek 

      Alan, Tunahan (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023)
      It was discovered in 1960 that some cuneiform tablets found in ancient Mesopotamia was containing data about music theory. As a result of these discoveries, which re-directed the history of music theory, information on the ...
    • Eski Ortaoyunu Şimdi Müzikal Oldu 

      Bilinmeyen yazar (Yeni Gazete (İstanbul), 1968-01-07)
    • Eski Paradigma ile Yüz Yüze Gelmek: Türkiye'de Neo- spiritüalizm ve Yeni Sosyal Hareketler 

      Başcı, Seçil Büşra (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-04)
      In this research, the raising interest to neo-spiritualist practices in Turkey had been centered as a core subject. This widespreading trends’ social- structural impacts can be seen on the daily life styles and habits. In ...
    • Eski Türkçe Metinlerin Günümüz Türkçesine Sadeleştirilmesi 

      Özkan, Erol (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018-08-01)
      Changes in a language over time causes the text written in old times contain a lot of words that are not used at the present time. This makes it difficult for readers to understand old texts. The goal of text simplification ...
    • Eski Türkçe Tantrik Bir Metin: Uṣṇīṣa Vijayā Dhāraṇī Sūtra 

      İsi, Hasan (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019-09-30)
      In this study, is discussed the Old Uyghur Uṣṇīṣavijayā dhāraṇī, the Sanskrit name is Ārya-sarva-durgati-pariśodhana-Uṣṇīṣavijayānāma-dhāraṇī. Uṣṇīṣa Vijayā Sūtra which means “victorious goddess”, is portrayed by believers ...
    • Eski Türkçe, Orta Türkçe ve Türkiye Türkçesi Atasözlerinde Klitikler 

      Kasar, Hilal (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023)
      Clitics are structures that can demonstrate the features of dependent and independent morphemes, always leaning on the preceding or following host with the transformation of independent morphemes into dependent morphemes, ...